God calls us to take care of our friends who are in need, so if you are interested in serving your neighbors, please check out our service opportunities below!
Free Food Pantry Box
Jesus teaches us that loving God means loving and providing for our sisters and brothers in the world. That's why we believe our job as Christians is to take care of anyone in need around us. To help our community, we have a Free Pantry Box in our parking lot that is constantly filled with canned goods and other non-perishable foods. If you or anyone you know need something to eat, please come visit us and take however much you need, no questions asked, while being mindful of others who are also in need. Also, if you are in a place where you have plenty of your own, please feel free to donate canned goods or other non-perishable foods to our box. Feel free to take as much as you need and give as much as you can!
Lending Library
Annual Thelma Tate Memorial School Supplies Drive
We understand how hard it can be to provide everything our children need, so we want to help relieve some of the burden of buying school supplies for each school year. There are many groups who donate school supplies in August when the school year begins, but we have found that there are not many options for school supplies in December to help kids learn and grow over the winter break and into the second semester of the school year. That's why we collect school supplies all year and donate them to children in our community in December. Our school supply drive was started by a faithful member of our church named Ms. Thelma Tate, who sadly passed away in January of 2021. We are honored to continue her memory by serving the children of our community. If you need school supplies for your children, come see us in December, and if you are able to donate, please bring us as many school supplies as you can!